4th PSTA is Open for Nomination

call for nominations

the 4th pSTA is now open for nominations

The Philippine Sports Tourism Awards give recognition to events, destination, venues, local governments, sports associations, event organizers, tourism entities, and the corporate world which have made outstanding contributions to the sports tourism industry.

The event will be held with all the fanfare worthy of the intense efforts, focus, and dedication put in by a young but dynamic growing industry of sports tourism.

The Philippine Sports Tourism Awards is presented by Selrahco Management, the leading force behind the Sports Tourism Forum series held throughout the Philippines since 2004. It is supported by the Department of Tourism, the Philippine Sports Commission, and PAGCOR.

Winners are based on performances, programs, and events between January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

For more information, please contact gabe.selrahco@gmail.com

Up for Nominations

STA 01

Sports Tourism Destination of the Year

The city, town or region consistently organizing or hosting sporting events to improve standard of any particular sport and boosting or contributing significantly to the integrated tourism growth of the city, town or region. Support for other related off shoot events will be considered.

STA 02

Sports Tourism Organizer of the Year – Private

The sport event organizer that has contributed to the success of a sporting event or events showcasing the tourism potential of venue, city and town in the Philippines.

STA 03

Sports Tourism Organizer of the Year – Government

This award is for a Local Government Unit that has organized and contributed to the success of a sporting event or events showcasing the tourism potential of the venue, city or town in the Philippines.

STA 04

Sports Tourism Event of the Year – Domestic

This award goes to the organizer of a successful hosting of a sporting event with no international affiliation, showcasing the tourism potential of the venue, city or town in the Philippines. Related events and activities will be a consideration.

STA 05

Sports Tourism Event of the Year – International

This award goes to the organizer of a successful hosting of an international sporting event, showcasing the tourism potential of the venue, city or town in the Philippines. Related events and activities as an offshoot of the main event will be considered.

STA 06

Sports Tourism Sport Association of the Year

The sport association either national or local – NSAs or local sport bodies including government sports councils or commissions – contributing full support to a particular sport and sporting event.

STA 07

Sports Tourism Destination Marketing of the Year

This award recognizes the efforts of promoting the destination in the overall marketing approach of the event by the organizers.

STA 08

Sports Tourism Hotel of the Year

This award is presented to the hotel or resort for their support in terms of organization, innovation, logistics and marketing to ensure the smooth hosting of sporting events both domestic and international in their locality.

STA 09

Sports Tourism Event Sponsorship of the Year

This award goes to a brand or entity that has distinguished itself in the innovation and best practice in their involvement in sponsoring a sports tourism event.

STA 10

Sports Tourism Charity Event of the Year

This category is open to events which highlight sports tourism as a catalyst for fundraising and charity.

STA 11

Sports Tourism Airline of the Year

This category is open to airlines that support sports tourism events and destinations, and have activated programs, benefits, and packages for its passengers and sponsors competing or involved in sports.

STA 12

Sports Tour Operator of the Year

This award recognizes travel or tour operators for initiating, organizing or supporting efforts in handling sports tourism related events. Nominees could include handlers contracted by sporting event organizers.

STA 13

Adventure Event of the Year

This award goes to events or programs of novelty sport tourism interests involving touristic attractions and sports and recreational activities.

STA 14

Sports Venue of the Year

This award recognizes venues that are professionally managed and equipped in hosting and facilitating domestic or international sport or sporting related events.

STA 15

Sports MICE Event of the Year

This award recognizes MICE events that are geared towards promotion of sports, sporting events, and/or sports tourism in general.

STA 16

Sports Media Coverage of the Year

This award recognizes media personalities or organizations for outstanding media coverage of a sport or sports-related event.

Special Awards

Sports Tourism Personality – Private

This award recognizes individuals from private institutions who have shown immense passion for sports tourism through various contributions to sports and tourism entities.


Sports Tourism Personality – Government

This award recognizes government figures who have exhibited extensive contribution and support to sports tourism entities through various government-led activities.